If players choose a Dalish elf, then, the city elf origin still occurs, and characters involved with that storyline can be encountered later on. One feature worth noting is that it's strongly implied throughout the story of Dragon Age: Origins that each background story still happens regardless of whether that particular character is chosen as the game's protagonist. Related: Dragon Age: Which Game In The Franchise To Start With & Why While this does mean that players are oftentimes locked into certain backgrounds depending on their other choices during customization, knowing what each origin entails could potentially have an impact on those who are uncertain or indifferent towards which Dragon Age: Origins class to play as. Rogue or warrior elves, on the other hand, could either play as a Dalish elf or a city elf, and dwarven Wardens can play as either a noble or a commoner.

For example, only humans and elves can be mages, and a mage protagonist will always play through the magi origin.

For the most part, the origins in Dragon Age are dependent on the chosen class and race of the player character.